3 Foods You Didn’t Expect to Stain Your Teeth
Stained, yellow teeth are often a sight many of us feel
uncomfortable about or uneasy with. What most of us don’t realize is that stained
teeth are often the direct result of the foods and drinks we consume.
The most obvious foods on this list are the usual culprits
of soda, black tea and other dark teas, red wine, dark fruits such as
blueberries, and coffee. Most of these foods and drinks are consumed on a
regular basis, making it very difficult to keep your pearly whites.
3 Foods You Didn’t
Expect to Stain Your Teeth
1. Tomato Sauce
Did you know that the tomato-based pasta sauces used for
cooking are not great for the teeth? Tomatoes are good for you, but sauces are
essentially concentrated versions of tomatoes, which are highly acidic. The
acidity eats away at your enamel, causing discoloring over time.
2. Salad Dressings
Many of us consume salads because they’re light &
healthy. However, the salad dressings can make or break your salad. Some of them
contain a lot of fat, but almost all of them contain a lot of sugar and spices
that work against our enamel.
3. Apples
It would make sense how blueberries, raspberries, and other
berries would stain our teeth, but apples? It’s true. Apples have high levels
of acidity and sucrose and every bite we take works against our enamel.
The Key Takeaway
Whether you were already aware of these or not, the key
takeaway here is not to avoid these foods, but rather take more initiative to
limit them where possible. Take initiative to also brush your teeth following a
meal that may have not been enamel friendly, this way the acids, starches, and sugar
do not stay on your teeth for long.
Looking to Reverse
the Stains?
Professional in-office teeth whitening can restore your
beautiful, white smile and reverse the years of damage accumulated from consumption
of teeth-staining foods.
Labels: foods stain teeth, prevent tooth discoloration, what stains teeth