The Good and the Bad Behind Bad Breath
Bad breath can be embarrassing (and unpleasant if you are on the receiving end), but taking breath mints (or offering them) won't solve the problem in the long run. Bad breath, technically known as Halitosis, is caused by bacteria in the mouth releasing foul smelling sulfur.
The good news is that the best way to get rid of bad breath is through good oral hygiene. In most cases, halitosis is present only because bacteria is left behind in the mouth or because certain foods leave behind a funky smell. This can be resolved with brushing after each meal and remembering to brush in the morning, at night, and taking the time to floss once every day.
However, sometimes the smells aren't caused by bad hygiene. If you have bad breath and practice a thorough hygiene routine, it might be signs of something more serious. Visit our site for more information on Halitosis and its causes.
Labels: advice, affordable dentist, bacteria, bad breath, Floss Dental Las Vegas, halitosis, infections, Las Vegas Family Dentist, odor, sulfur